AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep. 74 | Oracle Health
AHA Associates Bringing Value Podcast
In this podcast series, the AHA checks in with its Associates to learn how they are supporting members and leveraging the AHA Associate Program to stay connected with members and help them achieve their goals and objectives.
Episode 74: Prioritizing Patients Over Paperwork
In this insightful episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations of the American Hospital Association, is joined by Seema Verma, EVP and GM of Oracle Health and Life Sciences. They discuss her pivotal role in the "Patients Over Paperwork" initiative at the CMS and how technology is taking healthcare to entirely new levels of efficiency, intelligence, and helping bring back the doctor-patient relationship.
Listen to the podcast by clicking below:

Oracle Health
Oracle Health is dedicated to helping people live healthier lives and improving healthcare. By connecting clinical, operational, and financial data across the ecosystem, we can help providers improve patient outcomes, access data-driven, actionable insights, reduce costs, and unleash innovation. Integrated technologies, data, and analytics empower patients in their health journey, inform clinician decision-making, and accelerate research to advance health and well-being for people worldwide.
To see a full list of current AHA Associates like Oracle Health, visit this page.
Featured In This Episode

Seema Verma
EVP & GM, Oracle Health and Life Sciences
Oracle Health

Kathleen J. Wessel
VP, Business Management and Operations
American Hospital Association