AHA Associate Podcasts and Resources

Connecting AHA Associates to insider content and exclusive insights




AHA Associates have access to exclusive content that educates and informs the health care field, allowing Associates to speak to the challenges facing AHA member hospital and health care systems. This resource library compiles content available to Associates, such as the AHA Associate podcast series, exclusive reports and specially created infographics. The library is just one of many benefits of the AHA Associate Program.


Associate Infographics and Reports

This is exclusive Insider content for AHA Associate Program Organizations. Thought leadership materials about workforce, cybersecurity, rural health.
After the 2023 AHA Leadership Summit, the AHA hosted a virtual panel with AHA leaders. Developed specially for Associates, the panel drew on takeaways from the Summit to discuss topics top-of-mind for AHA Member hospitals and health systems.
After the 2023 AHA Leadership Summit Conference, the AHA hosted a virtual panel with AHA subject-matter experts for AHA Associates. Developed specially for Associates, the panel drew on takeaways from the Summit conference to discuss topics top-of-mind for AHA Member hospitals and health systems.

Tune into the Latest Associate Podcasts

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations at the AHA, is joined by Chris Martini, Chief Provider Officer of PatientPoint. The discussion focuses on the benefits of customized patient communication. By leveraging the strategies Chris Martini describes, hospitals and health systems can promote enhanced patient engagement, improved health outcomes and stronger financial stability.
Kathleen Wessel, VP of Business Management and Operations at the AHA, is joined by Dr. Halima Ahmadi-Montecalvo, PhD, MPH, Associate Vice President of Research and Evaluation at Unite Us, to discuss the role of social data in the care setting. Dr. Ahmadi-Montecalvo shares her expertise on how broadening the definition of valuable social data can impact patient care.
Kathleen Wessel, VP of Business Management and Operations at the AHA is joined by Megan Sisson, BSN, RN, Senior Clinical Engagement Specialist at Medical Informatics Corp., as well as her colleague, Raajen Patel, VP of Innovation and Clinical Engagement, to discuss how the effective usage of data, AI and other new technologies can progress health equity in the hospital space, and develop more equitable care through integrating data science and clinical expertise.