AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep. 56 | Spacelabs Healthcare
AHA Associates Bringing Value Podcast
In this podcast series, the AHA checks in with its Associates to learn how they are supporting members and leveraging the AHA Associate Program to stay connected with members and help them achieve their goals and objectives.
Episode 56: Advancing Clinical Decision-Making with Augmented Intelligence
In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, VP of Business Management and Operations at the AHA is joined by Michelle McCabe, Director of Customer Success at Spacelabs Healthcare, as well as Dr. Richard Truxillo, Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Edward Via School of Osteopathic Medicine, and Associate CMIO at Carilion Clinic. Their discussion explores how augmented intelligence technology has been integrated into clinical decision-making processes, with an eye towards current and future possibilities.
Listen to the podcast by clicking below:

Spacelabs Healthcare
Spacelabs Healthcare designs and manufactures advanced patient monitoring devices, diagnostic cardiology devices, software, and supplies and accessories, which allow clinicians to focus on the needs and best care experience for their patients. We provide scalable solutions to caregivers and clinicians by delivering critical patient data across local and remote systems, enabling better informed decisions, increasing efficiencies, and creating a safer environment for the patient for use in critical care, emergency, and perioperative areas within hospitals, as well as physicians’ offices, medical clinics, and ambulatory surgery centers.
To see a full list of current AHA Associates like Spacelabs, visit this page.
Featured In This Episode

Michelle McCabe
Director of Customer Success
Spacelabs Healthcare

Dr. Richard Truxillo
Associate CMIO; Assistant Professor
Carilion Clinic; Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine; Edward Via School of Osteopathic Medicine

Kathleen J. Wessel
VP, Business Management and Operations
American Hospital Association