
AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep. 65 | Envision


AHA Associate Podcast Series | Envision



AHA Associates Bringing Value Podcast


In this podcast series, the AHA checks in with its Associates to learn how they are supporting members and leveraging the AHA Associate Program to stay connected with members and help them achieve their goals and objectives.

Episode 65: Tackling Workforce Challenges by Aligning the Physician Value Proposition

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations at the AHA, is joined by Dr. Mansoor Khan, Chief Clinical Officer and Senior Vice President of Growth and Health System Relationships for Envision Healthcare. They explored the importance of creating an environment where clinicians feel valued and supported in their pursuit of delivering high-quality care. Dr. Khan will share both short- and long-term strategies for hospitals to align with physician value propositions and support their clinical staff.


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Envision Healthcare

Envision is on the frontlines of transforming healthcare. As a leading national medical group, our clinicians work in collaboration with healthcare partners, payors, policymakers and others who impact the patient journey to create a better healthcare ecosystem — one that makes care more affordable and accessible to patients, champions the wellness and empowerment of clinicians and improves the health of communities of all shapes and sizes.

To see a full list of current AHA Associates like Envision, visit this page.

Featured In This Episode

Mansoor Khan

Mansoor Khan, MD, MHA, FACEP

Chief Clinical Officer, Senior Vice President of Growth and Health System Relationships

Envision Healthcare

Kathleen J. Wessel

Kathleen J. Wessel

VP, Business Management and Operations

American Hospital Association